Thursday, May 9, 2019

Class Final

Class Final Thursday 9 - Noon

What to bring to the final!

Project 1 - Design Journal
- Bring your design journal with you to class on the day of the final.

Project 4 - Final Game
- Bring your game and its parts. Three printed copies of your games rules and a few different photographs of your final game saved as a JPEG. One should be a wide angle shot of the game like its being played and the others a close up of cards and custom dice and pieces.

We will be playing your games today. You need all your games elements ready to go at the beginning of class.

1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1

4 students games every 30 min. 3 People to a game. 

Fill out the Google Form

Game Reviews - You are responsible for 22 game reviews from the list below. Due by 5pm the day of the final

01) 10,000 - year ?, 2-8 players
02) LCR - 1983, 3-12 players
03) Yahtzee - 1956, 2-10 players
04) Zombie Dice - 2010, 2-12 players
05) Dungeon Roll - 2013, 1-4 players
06) Martian Dice - 2011, 2-12 players
07) Skulls - 1981, 2-8 players
08) Ninja Dice - 2013, 2-5 players
09) Catan Dice - 2007, 1-4 players
10) Bowling Dice - 1985?, 1-10 players
11) Poker Dice - year ?, 2-12 players
12) Pass the Pigs
13) Mars Attacks- 10 min Takedown
14) Cards Against Humanity
15) Poker (5 card draw and 7 card stud)
16) UNO
17) Werewolf
18) Zombie Fluxx
19) Star Munchkin
20) Rick & Morty Total Rickcall
21) Boss Monster
22) Red Flags
23) No Thanks
24) Exploding Kittens
25) Nuclear War Card Game
26) Illuminati (by Steve Jackson Games)
27) King of Tokyo
28) Hive
29) The Real Game of Life

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

In class May 9th

Writing up the Rules for your game

What you need:

1. Overview of the Game

2. A list of game components(pieces, dice, cards, ect...)

2. Basic Info (# of Players, Play Time, Age Rating)

2. Goal/Object of the game

3. Game Set-up (if appropriate)

4. What to do on a turn (turn order)

5. How to win the game

6. A glossary (if appropriate)

7. Example of Game Play

* Pics and visual examples can be very useful.

Dungeon Roll
Exploding Kittens
Nuclear War

ToDo Today

Print your games cards and boards

3d print and laser engrave game pieces

Cut out your materials

Play your game with people

Write down rules and problems

Monday, May 6, 2019

In class Tue May 7th

Discussion about your game play throughs

Lets review:
- The list of questions that came up/problems you encounter with your play throughs.

- The list of changes you should make to the design of various elements of your game

- Your list of rules so far for your game

Cut and assemble the pieces for your game

Try out your game with someone
- keep track of any problems with both game play and visual elements
- write down any new rules that come up

Make a list of the pieces for your game and how many you need of each.
ex. 52 cards, 1 board, two 6-sided dice, 6 playing pieces.

Redesign your cards & boards in photoshop

Get your game elements printed upload your jpegs to the Google Photos Album

*All this information should be written up on the Google Doc for your game. (the doc you shared with joe for your game already)

Thursday, May 2, 2019

In class Thur May 2nd

Final Project: Design your Game

We need to have the first wave of designs and templates ready by the end of today. We will be printing them over the weekend.

Play Games

This weekend

Fake play through your game. Do this at least 10 times.

During the process write down the following:
- A list of questions that come up/problems you encounter
- Changes you should make to the design
- Start making a list of rules

Redesign your templates in photoshop

Monday, April 29, 2019

In class Tue Apr30th

The first wave of designs for your game are due today! 

Turn your sketched designs into digital files for printing. Show Joe what you have done so far.

Work on Projects

Play Games

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

In class Thur Apr 25th

Review your games info:

What is your games Genre/Theme?

What category(ies) does you game fall under?

What game mechanics do you want to use in your game?

What exceptions might your game have? 

How many players can play your game?

What age group is your game for?

How hard do you want it to be?

How long do you want the game to take?

On a scale where 1 is all luck and 10 is all strategy, where do you want your game to fall on this scale? 

For Today!
List the games you liked so far in class. What did you like about each game.

Hand in your game boards as a JPEG file to Joe by 3:15pm toady! Tell Joe the size and resolution of your game board. Upload the Jpeg of your board to the Google Photos Album.

Play Games
26) Nuclear War Card Game
27) Illuminati (by Steve Jackson Games)
27) King of Tokyo
25) Hive

Today and Over the weekend
- Start developing layout ideas for your games board, cards and dice. You should have templates laid out for each ready for next Tuesday. You can do this on paper or digitally. 

Monday, April 22, 2019

In class Tue Apr 23rd

I will be reviewing your game pieces if I haven't already today!

Work on your Game boards

Answer these questions for your game for thursday

What is your Games Theme?

What category(ies) does you game fall under?

What game mechanics do you want to use in your game?

What exceptions will you game have? 

Make a list of the games you liked so far in class. Write down one reason for why for each game.

Games you should know how to play:

Monday, April 15, 2019

In class Tue Apr 16th

Review your game pieces from Project 3. I will come to each of you individually

Assignment 6 - Make a game board for a fake game

Game Boards
Work on making a test game board. Use the information from the last blog. Lets review!

Games you need to learn the rules to by next Tuesday:

26) The Real Game of Life how to play
27) Dungeon rules

28) Stratego how to play
29) Catan rules
30) Forbidden Island rules
31) Monopoly
32) Choose Your Own Adventure "House of Danger"  rules

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

In class Thur Apr 11th

Ancient Games at the British Museum

More Board game examples

Making a Board in Photoshop
First you need to answer these questions.

- What shape should it be?
- What size does it need to be?
- What size piece of paper do you want to print it on?
- Does the board fold? How many times?

Next open Photoshop and set-up your work area. You need to know the outside dimensions for the entire board even if it folds. * You should use 300dpi as the resolution. If you find you have a hard time finding images that are big enough, this can be cut back to 180dpi.

Work in inches(or cm) and pay attention to the size of the spaces/grid you are creating. The Real Game of Life did a terrible job of this. The space should be big enough to hold the amount of pieces that can land there. (if a rule says a piece can not land on a square with a piece already on it, the space could be just a little bigger then the biggest piece. (Monopoly has different size pieces). I usually create a layer that contains a shape that is the size of my biggest piece. I then use this as a visual reference when creating my game board.

Consider how the theme is represented by the graphics and images and by the way players navigate the game board. How does the experience of playing the game involve the theme? How does the design teach the players how to play the game?

Try lots of different ideas. Change the shape of the spaces. Make multiple versions of the pathways on the board. When you get an idea you like try making another version that is the exact opposite of the idea. This part is about experimentation. Share what you are doing with other people to get their reaction. maybe they like the opposite version better for good reasons. This is not about our egos it is about communicating through visual language to the general public (and thus making money).

When you land on a great idea with thoughtful design we need to make a prototype. If your game board folds you will need to break up your photoshop file into different pieces. Save your working file (PSD) and then flatten each layer seperatly and save each out as a jpeg using "Save for Web(Legacy)" found under "Export".

Games you should know how to play
23) No Thanks - game rules
24) Exploding Kittens - game rules
26) Nuclear War Card Game - game rules
27) Illuminati (by Steve Jackson Games) - game rules
27) King of Tokyo - game rules
25) Hive - game rules

Monday, April 8, 2019

In class tue Apr 9th

You should be working on Project 3. Creation of a complex game piece.

Thinking about making a game
Is it theme driven or mechanic driven?
- What Game Mechanic(s) would you like to use?

- What is your Games Theme?
- How does the mechanic and theme interact?

Play Games

Games you should know how to play:

23) No Thanks - game rules
24) Exploding Kittens - game rules
26) Nuclear War Card Game - game rules
27) Illuminati (by Steve Jackson Games) - game rules
27) King of Tokyo - game rules
25) Hive - game rules

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

In class Thur Apr 4th

Discuss Print and Play game you downloaded for Assignment 5

You should be working on Project 3. Creation of a complex game piece.


Play - 7 card Poker

Play Games

Games you should know how to play:
- Poker (5 card draw & 7 card stud)
Red Flags - rules
- Boss Monster - rules
- Rick and Morty Total Rickall - rules
- Flux (Zombie) - rules
- Munchkin (Star) - rules

Games you need to learn how to play: Due Tue April 9th
23) No Thanks - game rules
24) Exploding Kittens - game rules
26) Nuclear War Card Game - game rules
27) Illuminati (by Steve Jackson Games) - game rules
27) King of Tokyo - game rules
25) Hive - game rules

Monday, April 1, 2019

In class Tue April 2nd

Critique your Cards

we are considering the following:
- How well the cards reflect the theme of the game?

- What age group(s) does the aesthetic say the game is for?

- How well design is used to organize game information? 

- Is the information easy to find and easy to read? 

- What do you think is the most important information on the card, based on the design?

- Does it have repeating stylistic choices? 

- Do the design choices play a role in the mechanic of the game?

- Are the cards aesthetically pleasing? Does the design make you want them?

Discuss Print and Play game you downloaded for Assignment 5

You should be working on Project 3. Creation of a complex game piece.

Play Games

Games you should know how to play:
- Poker (5 card draw & 7 card stud)
Red Flags - rules
- Boss Monster - rules
- Rick and Morty Total Rickall - rules
- Flux (Zombie) - rules
- Munchkin (Star) - rules

Games you need to learn how to play: Due Tue April 9th
23) No Thanks - game rules
24) Exploding Kittens - game rules
26) Nuclear War Card Game - game rules
27) Illuminati (by Steve Jackson Games) - game rules
27) King of Tokyo - game rules
25) Hive - game rules

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

In class Thur Mar 21st

Print and Play games

Critique Cards

Play Games

While on spring break

Assignment 5 - Download, Print, Play and Review
Read Book

Find a Game to bring back

Monday, March 18, 2019

In class Tue Mar 19th

Finish Project 2
Hand in your cards as a 9 ups on an 8.5x11" saved as flattened jpegs on Google Photos by 2:30pm.

Assignment 5 assigned

Project 3 assigned

Games you should know how to play:
- Poker (5 card draw & 7 card stud)
Red Flags - rules
- Boss Monster - rules
- Rick and Morty Total Rickall - rules
- Flux (Zombie) - rules
- Munchkin (Star) - rules

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

In class Thur Mar 14th

Take Alex's - Survey 

Work on Project for first 1/3 of class.

Play Games

Monday, March 11, 2019

In class Tue Mar 12th

Example for Project 2

Work on Project 2

Project 2 due Tue March 19th

Play Games!

Games you should be ready to play:

Ninja Dice - 2013, 2-5 players, PT 30 min +/-
- Mars Attacks
- Poker (5 card draw & 7 card stud)
- Werewolf

Games to Learn (March 19th)
Red Flags - rules
- Boss Monster - rules
- Rick and Morty Total Rickall - rules
- Flux (Zombie) - rules
- Munchkin (Star) - rules

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

In class Thur Mar 7th

Play Games!

Games you should be ready to play:

Dungeon Roll - 2013, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
Ninja Dice - 2013, 2-5 players, PT 30 min +/-
Catan Dice - 2007, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
Poker Dice - year ???, 2-12 players, PT 10 min +/-PT 15 min +/-

- Mars Attacks
- Cards Against Humanity
- Poker (5 card draw & 7 card stud)
- Uno

- Werewolf

Monday, March 4, 2019

In class Tue Mar 4th

Get your Dice Printed!

Email JOe your dice STL and pick a color.

Project 2

Making a set of cards for a game. For this project you need to make 9 individual cards that are all part of the same game. The cards should have repeated design elements and an obvious theme. You need to design both a front and back for each card. The back of each card can be unique or they can all be the same. Your final front and back card designs should be laid out on one 8.5" x 11".


1. Decide on a theme for your card game

2. Decide on a type of card game. Is it a battle game like Pokemon or Magic the Gathering or an abstract game like UNO.

3. Decide on what information needs to be on each card to play the game

4. Figure out a layout for the info from step 3 for your cards. This info should be repeated in the same place on each card.

5. Gather your imagery for each card that matches the theme

6. Layout the individual cards. Review them with the professor when you are done.

7. Layout your 9 individual cards on one 8.5 x 11" piece of paper for printing.

Card Fronts

Card Backs

Games we have played and that you should have reviews written for:

10,000 - 1956, 2-10 players
LCR - 1983, 3-12 player
Yahtzee - 1956, 2-10 players
Zombie Dice + Double Feature Expansion - 2010, 2-12 players
Martian Dice - 2011, 2-12 players, PT 10 min +/-
Skulls (Death Dice) - 1956, 2-10 players
Bowling Dice - 1985?, 1-10 players, PT 10 min +/-
Pass the Pigs -

Games you learned the rules to (Due Tue Feb 26th) :

Dungeon Roll - 2013, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
Ninja Dice - 2013, 2-5 players, PT 30 min +/-
Catan Dice - 2007, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
Poker Dice - year ???, 2-12 players, PT 10 min +/-PT 15 min +/-

Games you are learning the rules to (Due Tue Mar 5th) :

- Mars Attacks
- Cards Against Humanity
- Poker (5 card draw & 7 card stud)
- Uno
- Werewolf

Work on Projects

Have you read the book yet? 
There will be a quiz....

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

In class Thur Feb 28th

What is 3d Printing
- the printing of virtual objects through an additive process

3D printing and design - day 1

3d file Types
.stl - like the JPEG of the 3d world, almost universal file format
.obj - slightly less universal 3d file format
.mix - Meshmixer's file format
.thing - Makerware's file format (& Replicator Mini)
.x3g - Replicator 2 file Format

Steps in 3d Printing

Get or Create a 3d Model
- 3d Scaning

- Download a model or

- Create a model using a 3d software programs or 3d Apps
Apps (Free)
- Printshop

Software (Free)
- TinkerCad
- Meshmixer
- 123D Make
- Sculptris
- MatterControl ($10)
- Sketchup

Modify your 3d Model
123D Make
- Scale, Turn your 3d model
- you can add models together on the print platform


How to make a dice

First  you need an idea. What is the dice about? What genre is it?

Second you need to collect the content. What images are text is going on your dice? Work with a 1" by 1" image at 180 dpi.

Third you need to alter the images into black and white and simplify the images

Fourth translate the images into an SVG.

Fifth get a dice blank. you can use a cube, the 'dice' or download a dice blank from Thingiverse

Sixth, import your SVG's into Tinkercad and place them on your dice as a negative

Seventh, export your images as STL's


Work on Projects & Assignments

Monday, February 25, 2019

In class tue Feb 26th

Assignment 2 - Share you game alteration with the class.

- create an account here
- Your TinkerCad Home Page

TinkerCad Basics

Starters get help here

Placing an Object

Controlling the View 

Moving your Object

Rotate your Object

Change the size of your Object

Group Objects together

Align Objects

Lessons get info here

Learning the Moves

Camera Controls

Creating Holes

Scale, Copy & Paste

Project 2 Assigned 

Current games we are playing:

10,000 - 1956, 2-10 players
LCR - 1983, 3-12 player
Yahtzee - 1956, 2-10 players
Zombie Dice + Double Feature Expansion - 2010, 2-12 players
Dungeon Roll - 2013, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
Martian Dice - 2011, 2-12 players, PT 10 min +/-

Games you learned the rules for (Due Tue Feb 26th) :

Skulls - 1956, 2-10 players
Ninja Dice - 2013, 2-5 players, PT 30 min +/-
Catan Dice - 2007, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
Bowling Dice - 1985?, 1-10 players, PT 10 min +/-
Poker Dice - year ???, 2-12 players, PT 10 min +/-PT 15 min +/-
Pass the Pigs -

Games you are learning the rules to (Due Tue Mar 5th) :

- Mars Attacks
- Cards Against Humanity
- Poker (5 card draw & 7 card stud)
- Uno
- Werewolf