Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Day 6 Thur Feb 24th

Assignment 2 - Share you game alteration with the class.

- create an account here
- Your TinkerCad Home Page

TinkerCad Basics

Starters get help here

Placing an Object

Controlling the View 

Moving your Object

Rotate your Object

Change the size of your Object

Group Objects together

Align Objects

Lessons get info here

Learning the Moves

Camera Controls

Creating Holes

Scale, Copy & Paste

Project 2 Assigned 

Current games we are playing:

10,000 - 1956, 2-10 players
LCR - 1983, 3-12 player
Yahtzee - 1956, 2-10 players
Zombie Dice + Double Feature Expansion - 2010, 2-12 players
Dungeon Roll - 2013, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
Martian Dice - 2011, 2-12 players, PT 10 min +/-

Skulls - 1956, 2-10 players
Ninja Dice - 2013, 2-5 players, PT 30 min +/-
Catan Dice - 2007, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
Bowling Dice - 1985?, 1-10 players, PT 10 min +/-
Poker Dice - year ???, 2-12 players, PT 10 min +/-PT 15 min +/-
Games you learned the rules for (Due Tue Feb 26th) :
Pass the Pigs -

Games you are learning the rules to (Due Tue Mar 5th) :

- Mars Attacks
- Cards Against Humanity
- Poker (5 card draw & 7 card stud)
- Uno
- Werewolf

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Day 5 Tue Feb 22nd


Ancient stone board game 'likely played in a similar way to backgammon' is discovered at a 4,000-year-old Bronze Age settlement in Oman.


Check out Cards


Photoshop 3

Advanced Selections
- Polygon Laso, Magnetic Laso
- Adding too and Subtracting from selections
- Single Marquee 

The Clone Stamp
-- These are 2 part tools. Hold down 'Option' while clicking on the area you wish to copy. Move to where you want to place the cloned visual data and click and hold to draw.
-- Blend Mode / Opacity
-- Air Brush / Flow
-- Aligned
-- Sample (Layer)

Image Adjustments
- Color Adjustments
-- Histogram
-- Levels

- Color Correction

Current games we are playing:

- 10,000 - 1956, 2-10 players
LCR - 1983, 3-12 player
Yahtzee - 1956, 2-10 players
Zombie Dice + Double Feature Expansion - 2010, 2-12 players
Dungeon Roll - 2013, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
Martian Dice - 2011, 2-12 players, PT 10 min +/-

Games you are learning the rules to (Due Tue Feb 26th) :

Skulls - 1956, 2-10 players
Ninja Dice - 2013, 2-5 players, PT 30 min +/-
Catan Dice - 2007, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
Bowling Dice - 1985?, 1-10 players, PT 10 min +/-
Poker Dice - year ???, 2-12 players, PT 10 min +/-PT 15 min +/-

Assignment #1

[Due Tue Feb 22nd beginning of class]
Part 1
create a template for the following list:
- 11"x17" Game Board
- 8.5"x11" Pamphlet Page
- 2.5"x3.5" Cards on an 8.5"x11" piece of paper
- 2"x2" Card on an 8.5"x11" piece of paper

* Resolution should be 180 dpi at size
* Use "guides" to designate the print area

Part 2
- Finish a 2.5 x 3.5” game card

Assignment #2

Read the class book!
chapter 1 & 2 [Due Tue Feb 22nd beginning of class]

Assignment #3

[Due Thur Feb 24th beginning of class] 
Pick a game you know well and like. Then create an alteration/expansion to the game by altering/adding rules and creating new exceptions. Write down your alterations in your Journal ready for presentation!


Project #1

[Due, last day of class]  
Design Journal
- Use the Journal during the semester to keep notes about the class, game rules, game ideas, definitions of game mechanic’s, game categories, game experiences and game research. This cane be done digitally if you prefer.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Day 4 Thur Feb 17th

Photoshop is $9.99 a month for students. The free alternative is called Gimp.

Photoshop Day 2

Setting Preferences
Photoshop --> Preferences --> General

- Hand tool/Hand Rotate Tool
- Zoom tool
- Change Screen Mode

Color Picker
- Foreground/Background Color
- Eye-dropper tool

Drawing Tools
- Pencil/Paint Brush
—- Color Replacement Tool/Mixer Brush
- Paint Bucket/Gradient
- Erase/Magic Erase/Back Ground Eraser
- Sharpen/Blur/Smudge
—- Depth of Field - How much of the image is in focus in front of and behind the image
- Burn/Dodge/Sponge

Text Tools
- Horizontal Type Tool/Vertical Type Tool
- Horizontal Type Mask Tool/Vertical Type Mask Tool

Selection Tools (they define a workable area)
- Square/Circular Selection Tools
- Move Tool
- Laso/Polygon Laso/Magnetic Laso
— Tolerance
- Magic Wand/Quick Selection Tool
- Crop Tool

- Making Layers
--- New Layer
--- Cut/Copy/ Paste
--- Move Tool
--- Duplicate a Layer
- Delete Layer
- Layer Visibility
- Moving a Layer
- Opacity
- Modes
- Locking


Current games we are playing:

- 10,000 - 1956, 2-10 players
LCR - 1983, 3-12 player
Yahtzee - 1956, 2-10 players
Zombie Dice + Double Feature Expansion - 2010, 2-12 players
Dungeon Roll - 2013, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
Martian Dice - 2011, 2-12 players, PT 10 min +/-

Games you are learning the rules to (Due Tue Feb 26th) :

Skulls - 1956, 2-10 players
Ninja Dice - 2013, 2-5 players, PT 30 min +/-
Catan Dice - 2007, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
Bowling Dice - 1985?, 1-10 players, PT 10 min +/-
Poker Dice - year ???, 2-12 players, PT 10 min +/-PT 15 min +/-

Assignment #1

[Due Tue Feb 22nd beginning of class]
Part 1
create a template for the following list:
- 11"x17" Game Board
- 8.5"x11" Pamphlet Page
- 2.5"x3.5" Cards on an 8.5"x11" piece of paper
- 2"x2" Card on an 8.5"x11" piece of paper

* Resolution should be 180 dpi at size
* Use "guides" to designate the print area

Part 2
- Finish a 2.5 x 3.5” game card

Assignment #2

Read the class book!
chapter 1 & 2 [Due Tue Feb 22nd beginning of class]

Assignment #3

[Due Thur Feb 24th beginning of class] 
Pick a game you know well and like. Then create an alteration/expansion to the game by altering/adding rules and creating new exceptions. Write down your alterations in your Journal ready for presentation!


Project #1

[Due, last day of class]  
Design Journal
- Use the Journal during the semester to keep notes about the class, game rules, game ideas, definitions of game mechanic’s, game categories, game experiences and game research. This cane be done digitally if you prefer.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Day 3 Tue Feb 15th

Research Journal
- This journal can be digital or physical
- keep track of games as you play them
- ideas for games you may want to make
- things from games you think are interesting ideas

Lets review the Research Form up on Google
- Find the link in the upper right of the class blog.
- The form will work on your cellphone, tablet or computer.

We are tracking the following information or each game we play. 

What are the basics: 
- # of players. Min and Maximum amount of players
- Game Duration How long did the game take you to play?
- Difficulty This is set up as a range from easy to expert.
- Age Group What age groups can play this game. This is based on difficulty and subject matter.
Year Created When was this game made?

- What is the Theme? The theme is like the genre of a movie. Is the game based in a sci-fi world? A Western, Fantasy, Mafia, or is it Abstract?   

- What are the Game's Mechanics? There can be any number of game mechanics usually from 1 to 4. Choose all that apply, just make sure the mechanic effects game play. Use the link on the side of the blog to get definitions for mechanics you are unaware of.

- What are the Roles players play? Write down a synopsis of who players are in this world and if it makes a difference in the game. Dungeon vs Clue 

- What Category does it fit into? What catagory does the game fall into. What type of game is it?

- What are the Exceptions found in the game? List them out.

- Describe your Experience playing the game ? This should be a paragraph with specific details about playing the game the good aspects of the game and the bad aspects of the game.

Strategy to Luck Scale. Use this scale to rate the level of strategy to luck. Most games fall somewhere in between.

Example Review of Dungeon by JOe


Try reviewing Yahtzee!

Dice Games
Where rolling objects is the cornerstone of the game. Can add other element like cards or score sheets.

Current games:
LCR - ?
Dungeon Roll - 2013, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
Martian Dice - 2011, 2-12 players, PT 10 min +/-
Zombie Dice + Double Feature Expansion - 2010, 2-12 players 
Bowling Dice - 1985?, 1-10 players, PT 10 min +/-
Poker Dice - year ???, 2-12 players, PT 10 min +/-PT 15 min +/-
Ninja Dice - 2013, 2-5 players, PT 30 min +/-

Catan Dice - 2007, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-



Laying out a design in Photoshop
before Photoshop
1) paper size/image size
2) single or multiple designs on the page?

in Photoshop
3) size and resolution
4) define print area 
5) define the middle
6) save as a template file named appropriately, as a .psd 
ex 3.5_card_Template.psd

Work on Assignment part 1 & part 2

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Day 2 Thur feb 10th

Intro to Photoshop

Free Photoshop

- Fire Alpaca & the Gimp

Photoshop Basics 1

- Starting the Program / Quit

Whats Where?

Hot Keys

- Opening a file
-- Browse in Bridge or Mini Bridge
- Save / Save As a file
- Windows
- File --> New

* Resolution
72 dpi traditional screen resolution
180 dpi lowest printing resolution
300 dpi + good printing resolution
600 dpi + high resolution printing

* File Types
- File Types
---- Photoshop = .PSD = working file, the one you keep forever

-- End Product Files
---- JPEG = .JPG = web and email (Flickr) file
---- GIFF = .GIF = web file
---- TIFF = .TIF = full quality print file
--- RAW = .RAW = raw camera data uncompressed file
---- Portable Document File = .PDF = compressed print file

Setting Preferences
Photoshop --> Preferences --> General

- Rulers, Grids & Guides
- Show
- Snap

Laying out a design in Photoshop

before Photoshop
1) paper size
2) single or multiple designs on the page?

in Photoshop
3) size and resolution
4) define print area 
* Offset press - requires cut lines, a bleed and image area to fit within the paper size (print on anything thats flat)
* Laser Printer -  1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 3/8th"
-- standard sizes 8.5x11", 8.5x14", 11x17"
* Inkjet printer -  1/4", 1/4", 1/4", 3/8th"
-- standard sizes 8.5x11",8.5x14", 11x17", 19" wide, 24" wide, 36" wide, 42" wide
5) Define the Middle
6) save as a template file named appropriately as a .psd 
ex LP_cover_Template.psd

Walk Through. Creating 1.5"x2" mini cards on an 8.5"x11" piece of paper.
+++++++++++++++            +++++++++++++++++

Assignment #1: Download and Read 
 Book: Kobold Guide to Board Game Design by Mike Selinker get it on Amazon here! $9-$12 as a digital download

Assignment #2:
create a template for the following list:
- 11"x17" Game Board
- 8.5"x11" Pamphlet Page
- 2.5"x3.5" Cards on an 8.5"x11" piece of paper 
- 2"x2" Card on an 8.5"x11" piece of paper 

* Resolution should be 300 dpi at size
* Use "guides" to designate the print area

 +++++++++++++++            +++++++++++++++++



Work on Assignments

 Understand and Discuss Games
- What are the basics: # of players, Game Duartion, Difficulty, Age Group, Year Created?
- What is the Theme?
- What are the Game Mechanics?
- What are the Roles players play?
- What Category does it fit into?
- What are the Exceptions
- Describe your Experience playing the game ?
- Strategy to Luck Scale

Dice Games

Current games:
Dungeon Roll - 2013, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
Martian Dice - 2011, 2-12 players, PT 10 min +/-
Ninja Dice - 2013, 2-5 players, PT 30 min +/-
Zombie Dice + Double Feature Expansion - 2010, 2-12 players 
Catan Dice - 2007, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
Bowling Dice - 1985?, 1-10 players, PT 10 min +/-
Poker Dice - year ???, 2-12 players, PT 10 min +/-PT 15 min +/-

Friday, February 4, 2022

Day 1 Tue Feb 8th

Intro to the class

*What is this class about?


*What kind of games are we making?

*What do you need for the class?

  • Downloadable Book on Amazon
  • Journal / Sketchbook
  • A tabletop game (card, dice, board)

How to use a Mac

Turning on the Mac

- Login
- Restart
- Shutdown

The Finder (navigating the Mac)

- Loging In
- The Desktop
- Main Hard Drive
- Applications
- the Dock

- Creating a New Folder

- Deleting Files & Folders
-- Emptying the Trash

- Cut/Copy/Past
- Network Drive - lab-drive.local

USB Thumbdrives
- Where to plug it in
- Ejecting your drive

Web Browsers on the Mac
- Safari
- Chrome

Understand and Discuss Games

- What are the basics: # of players, Game Duration, Difficulty, Age Group, Year Created?
- What is the Theme?
- What are the Game Mechanics?
- What are the Roles players play?
- What Category does it fit into?
- What are the Exceptions?
- Describe your Experience playing the game ?

Dice Games

Todays games:
Yahtzee - 1956, 2-10 players, PT 30 min +/-
LCR - 1983, 3-12 players, PT 20 min +/-
10,000 - rules - year ???, 2-8 players, PT 45min +/-
Skulls - 1981, 2-8 players, PT 15 min +/-

(make yourself familiar with the games tonight!)
Dungeon Roll - 2013, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
Martian Dice - 2011, 2-12 players, PT 10 min +/-
Ninja Dice - 2013, 2-5 players, PT 30 min +/-
Zombie Dice + Double Feature Expansion - 2010, 2-12 players, PT 15 min +/-
Catan Dice - 2007, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
Bowling Dice - 1985?, 1-10 players, PT 10 min +/-
Poker Dice - year ???, 2-12 players, PT 10 min +/-

Learning the Rules:

Each night you will be expected to learn the rules for the games we will be playing the following day. Keep notes in your journal about how to ply the game and any difficulties you had understanding the rules.

Rules and 
 how to game play can be found on youtube:

Create your free Adobe ID
- you will need an account with Adobe to utilize Photoshop on the computers in the digital labs.
Go to the, and then select Create an account. In the Create an account screen, provide the necessary information. Then select Create account.

Intro to Photoshop

Free Photoshop

- Fire Alpaca & the Gimp

Photoshop Basics 1

- Starting the Program / Quit

Whats Where?

Hot Keys

- Opening a file
- Save / Save As a file
- Windows
- File --> New

* Resoultion
72 dpi traditional screen resolution
180 dpi lowest printing resolution
300 dpi + good printing resolution
600 dpi + high resolution printing

* File Types
- File Types
---- Photoshop = .PSD = working file, the one you keep forever

-- End Product Files
---- JPEG = .JPG = web, email Google Photos file
---- GIFF = .GIF = web file
---- TIFF = .TIF = full quality print file
--- RAW = .RAW = raw camera data uncompressed file
---- Portable Document File = .PDF = compressed print file

Setting Preferences
Photoshop --> Preferences --> General

- Rulers, Grids & Guides
- Show
- Snap


Laying out a design in Photoshop

before Photoshop
1) paper size
2) single or multiple designs on the page?

in Photoshop
3) size and resolution
4) define print area 
* Offset press - requires cut lines, a bleed and image area to fit within the paper size (print on anything thats flat)
* Laser Printer -  1/4",1/4",1/4", 3/8th"
-- standard sizes 8.5x11",8.5x14", 11x17"
* Inkjet printer -  1/4",1/4",1/4", 3/8th"
-- standard sizes 8.5x11",8.5x14", 11x17", 19" wide, 24" wide, 36" wide, 42" wide
5) Define the Middle
6) save as a template file named appropriately as a .psd 
ex LP_cover_Template.psd

Walk Through. Creating 1.5"x2" mini cards on an 8.5"x11" piece of paper.

Assignment #1: Download and Read  Book: Kobold Guide to Board Game Design by Mike Selinker get it on Amazon here! $9-$12 as a digital download

Assignment #2:
create a template for the following list:
- 11"x17" Game Board
- 8.5"x11" Pamphlet Page
- 2.5"x3.5" Cards on an 8.5"x11" piece of paper 
- 2"x2" Cards on an 8.5"x11" piece of paper 

* Resolution should be 300 dpi at size
* Use "guides" to designate the print area

Work on Assignments