Research Journal
- This journal can be digital or physical
- keep track of games as you play them
- ideas for games you may want to make
- things from games you think are interesting ideas
Lets review the Research Form up on Google
- Find the link in the upper right of the class blog.
- The form will work on your cellphone, tablet or computer.
We are tracking the following information or each game we play.
What are the basics:
- # of players. Min and Maximum amount of players
- Game Duration How long did the game take you to play?
- Difficulty This is set up as a range from easy to expert.
- Age Group What age groups can play this game. This is based on difficulty and subject matter.
Year Created When was this game made?
- What is the Theme? The theme is like the genre of a movie. Is the game based in a sci-fi world? A Western, Fantasy, Mafia, or is it Abstract?
- What are the Game's Mechanics? There can be any number of game mechanics usually from 1 to 4. Choose all that apply, just make sure the mechanic effects game play. Use the link on the side of the blog to get definitions for mechanics you are unaware of.
- What are the Roles players play? Write down a synopsis of who players are in this world and if it makes a difference in the game. Dungeon vs Clue
- What Category does it fit into? What catagory does the game fall into. What type of game is it?
- What are the Exceptions found in the game? List them out.
- Describe your Experience playing the game ? This should be a paragraph with specific details about playing the game the good aspects of the game and the bad aspects of the game.
- Describe your Experience playing the game ? This should be a paragraph with specific details about playing the game the good aspects of the game and the bad aspects of the game.
- Strategy to Luck Scale. Use this scale to rate the level of strategy to luck. Most games fall somewhere in between.
Try reviewing Yahtzee!
in Photoshop
Dice Games
Where rolling objects is the cornerstone of the game. Can add other element like cards or score sheets.
Current games:
- LCR - ?
- Dungeon Roll - 2013, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
- Dungeon Roll - 2013, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
- Martian Dice - 2011, 2-12 players, PT 10 min +/-
- Zombie Dice + Double Feature Expansion - 2010, 2-12 players
- Zombie Dice + Double Feature Expansion - 2010, 2-12 players
- Bowling Dice - 1985?, 1-10 players, PT 10 min +/-
- Poker Dice - year ???, 2-12 players, PT 10 min +/-PT 15 min +/-
- Ninja Dice - 2013, 2-5 players, PT 30 min +/-
- Catan Dice - 2007, 1-4 players, PT 15 min +/-
Laying out a design in Photoshop
before Photoshop
1) paper size/image size
2) single or multiple designs on the page?
in Photoshop
3) size and resolution
4) define print area
5) define the middle
6) save as a template file named appropriately, as a .psd
ex 3.5_card_Template.psd
Work on Assignment part 1 & part 2
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